Lets start at the very beginning a very good place to start.....
School was school but because it is monday that means anime club after school. And this week was the drawing contest! So it was a socializing and judging art time instead of our usual watch two episodes of anime. In the end I won the contest and my friend victoria came in second. I never won the contest last year because I was a freshman but this time is different. Also one of the freshman brought in some kingdom hearts cookies and they were delicious. Then After school my mom took me to joan's to buy fabric for my allen walker vest and ribbon for his bow. Because gamestop is right near by I got her to let me go inside to look for used games for my ps2. There I finally found a final fantasy game for a good price and got it for 20$(final fantasy 10). So that made my monday awesome which it needs to be so the rest of the week can go better, because nothing is worse than a awful monday to start of your week.
School will always be that awful place I have to go to. I love learning its just that place is not the best environment for me. Good thing is I got called down to the guidance office to get my schedule ready for the career center. Awhile ago I sent in an application to the career center for there graphic design program. so I could go there instead of having to deal with my current school for 2 more years. A week ago I got the letter saying I was accepted. Which made me so happy because the graphic art program seems to be the most popular and so I though I might not get in. when school ended I went to viola lesson and did pretty good for not practicing much this week, but I still need work on third position. Right after that I go to sewing lessons with one of my mom friends.(I do this to get help with my cosplay). Since I got the fabric for allen I though I'd work on his, but My teacher left the pattern for it so I just sat around and talk. Which is probably good since I need more work with socializing skills. My teacher says she will send it to my mom friend then to my mother so I can cut it out this week.
Usual school day. Suprisingly when I got home I did all of my work so this evening I had alot of free time, so I spent it playing final fantasy 10. I got up to the part where you first get to wakka's village. Great fun that game is. I think I might be hooked on final fantasy since that seems to be all I do in my free time. Even more with it on the go since I bought the final fantasy app, so I now play it at lunch. I think I now want to cosplay the mage from that game.
Image of the post is the white mage From final fantasy. I want to make that cloak. Image your self wearing it.
video of the post is Prussia, the knights who say "ni". Gosh I found this and it was calling to be chosen. This did make my day.
Works in progress. This is a sketch of Lighting from final fantasy 13. I am now working on coloring right now. No cosplay(explained in tuesday thing)
Thats all for now.