Final Fantasy IX: Zidane Tribal

final fantasy ix cosplay - zidane tribal by da-monkeyA Genome created by Garland on the planet Terra, Zidane Tribal was created to replace Kuja as a more powerful “Angel of Death”. However, Kuja became jealous of his successor and cast Zidane down to Gaia, where he was found by Baku and his group of thieves, Tantalus.

Before the events of the game, Zidane left Baku in search of his real home with only his memory of a blue light to guide him. He was unsuccessful in his quest and returned to Baku to rejoin Tantalus.

Awesome cosplay by da-monkey! Definitely well-deserving of the Daily Deviation award. Congratulations also to the photographer, Kogenta85!

NOTE: Photo was only cropped for thumbnail purposes. See the original for a more detailed view.

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